A, A+, AA and AA+: the different IPLS certificate levels



Level A certificate


The level A certificate is granted to companies that have successfully completed the R-, O-, P- and A-phases of the IPLS certification process but do not have yet passed the C-audit.


An A certified company also does not have proven experience (yet) with at least 3 development projects executed using the IPLS development train concept.



Level A+ certificate


The level A+ certificate is granted to companies that have successfully completed the R-, O-, P- and A-phases of the IPLS certification process but do not have yet passed the C-audit.


An A+ certified company has proven experience with at least 3 development projects executed using the IPLS development train concept.



Level AA certificate


The level AA certificate is granted to companies that have successfully completed the R-, O-, P-, A- and C-phases of the IPLS certification process.


Level AA certified companies have not yet proven experience with at least 3 development projects executed using the IPLS development train concept.



Level AA+ certificate


The level AA+ certificate is granted to companies that have successfully completed the R-, O-, P-, A- and C-phases of the IPLS certification process.


An AA+ certified company has proven experience with at least 3 development projects executed using the IPLS development train concept.




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